
For my final project during my studies, I had the opportunity to focus on the spatial and visual design of the game, as well as many game design aspects. I was part of a group of three people and we worked on the project for one semester. Being a 3D Tower Defense game, the cave was particularly intriguing, allowing the player to make tactical moves and serving as an arena for towers and larvae.

Both a small village and the mine shaft are playable and should have a strong contrast in atmosphere. Outside, there will be a peaceful and summery neighborhood, while inside, the environment will depict a mystical and untamed nature.

My Tasks were:

Level Design / Environmental Artist

Game Design

Concept Artist



Texturing and Shading

Since the player doesn't spend much time in the village, what was especially important to me were the paths the player takes. Here, the most common routes are defined, and a rough layout is depicted.


The creatures the player fights against should evoke a certain sense of disgust and be perceived as a threat. In our group, we chose the larva in the second image as it was the easiest to establish as a weak base enemy. However, the cricket-like insect (second image, top right) was also implemented in a deceased state. This is intended to serve environmental storytelling.

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